Jutebag is...
Jutebag is made of natural fibre
Jutebag is 100% biodegradable, non-toxic and thus eco-friendly. When you throw these bags away, they will easily decompose in the landfills without affecting wildlife and our way of living. That is also one of the most important reason, why people all over the world jutebags love - you can save the environment.
Jutebags are reusable. You can use the bag at least 500 times.
Strong and durable
Jutebag is extremely strong, durable and flexible. You can carry large loads (12 kg) of items without distorting the shape of your bag and it will last 3-4 years.
Heat resistant and UV protective
Jutebags are perfect for packing heat sensitive items since the fibre material is a very good insulator. Vegetables and fruits from groceries remain fresh in these bags. It also protects articles from ultraviolet light.
Environmentally friendly
Jutebag is stylish and will encourage to use eco-friendly bag. Jutebag carries on the nature friendly slogan to show concern for the environment and always points out to take the bag along.
Your company's bag
You can use Jutebag as your company's products advertisement. Bags can be designed to your specification and printed with your name or logo. Not only will you be helping the environment, you will be informing your customers that you are also adapting the eco-friendly alternatives to help protect our environment.
The designs are made by Estonian designers
Jutebags are beautifully designed in varied styles, made by Eva Mustonen, Tiina Martinson, Ethel Haugas